Fifth Chapter Lesson-7: Loop Related algorithm & flowchart.

At the end of this lesson-

1. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing numbers from 1 to 10. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sequence.

2. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing numbers from 1 to n. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 2 3 4 – – – – n Sequence.

3. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing odd numbers from 1 to 10. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 3 5 7 9 Sequence.

4. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing odd numbers from 1 to n. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 3 5 7- – – n Sequence.

5. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing even numbers from 1 to 10. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 2 4 6 8 10 Sequence.

6. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing even numbers from 1 to n. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart for printing the 2 4 6 – – – n Sequence.

7. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 100. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+2+3+ – – +100 series.

8. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to n. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+2+3+ – – +n series.

9. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of odd numbers from 1 to 100. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+3+5+ – – +100 series.

10. You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of even numbers from 1 to 100. Or

You will be able to write algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 2+4+6+ – – +100 series.


1. Algorithm and flowchart for printing numbers from 1 to 10. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=1

Step-3: If (i ≤ 10), then go to step-4,

          Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: Print value of i

Step-5: i=i+1 and again go to step-3

Step-6: Stop

2. Algorithm and flowchart for printing numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 2 3 4 – – – – n Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Input a number in variable n

Step-3: Let i=1

Step-4: If (i ≤ n), then go to step-5,

         Otherwise go to step-7

Step-5: Print value of i

Step-6: i=i+1 and again go to step-4

Step-7: Stop

3. Algorithm and flowchart for printing odd numbers from 1 to 10. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 3 5 7 9 Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=1

Step-3: If (i ≤ 10), then go to step-4,

         Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: Print value of i

Step-5: i=i+2 and again go to step-3

Step-6: Stop

4. Algorithm and flowchart for printing odd numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 3 5 7- – – n Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Input a number in variable n

Step-3: Let i=1

Step-4: If (i ≤ n), then go to step-5,

         Otherwise go to step-7

Step-5: Print value of i

Step-6: i=i+2 and again go to step-4

Step-7: Stop

5. Algorithm and flowchart for printing even numbers from 1 to 10. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 2 4 6 8 10 Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=2

Step-3: If (i ≤ 10), then go to step-4,

           Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: Print value of i

Step-5: i=i+2 and again go to step-3

Step-6: Stop

6. Algorithm and flowchart for printing even numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 2 4 6 – – – n Sequence.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Input a number in variable n

Step-3: Let i=2

Step-4: If (i ≤ n), then go to step-5

          Otherwise go to step-7

Step-5: Print value of i

Step-6: i=i+2 and again go to step-4

Step-7: Stop

7. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 100. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+2+3+ – – +100 series.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=1 and sum=0

Step-3: If (i ≤ 100), then go to step-4,

          Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: sum = sum + i

Step-5: i=i+1 and again go to step-3

Step-6: Print value of sum

Step-7: Stop

8. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+2+3+ – – +n series.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Input a number in variable n

Step-3: Let i=1 and sum=0

Step-4: If (i ≤ n), then go to step-5,

          Otherwise go to step-7

Step-5: sum = sum + i

Step-6: i=i+1 and again go to step-4

Step-7: Print value of sum

Step-8: Stop

9. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of odd numbers from 1 to 100. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+3+5+ – – +100 series.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=1 and sum=0

Step-3: If (i ≤ 100), then go to step-4

           Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: sum = sum + i

Step-5: i=i+2 and go to again step-3

Step-6: Print value of sum

Step-7: Stop

10. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of even numbers from 1 to 100. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 2+4+6+ – – +100 series.


Step-1: Start

Step-2: Let i=2 and sum=0

Step-3: If (i ≤ 100), then go to step-4,

          Otherwise go to step-6

Step-4: sum = sum + i

Step-5: i=i+2 and again go to step-3

Step-6: Print value of sum

Step-7: Stop



1. Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 5 9 13 17 – – -n series.

2. Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 4 9 16 25 – – -n series.

3. Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 8 27 64 – – -n series.

4. Algorithm and flowchart for printing the 1 4 27 256 – – -n series.

5. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of odd numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 1+3+5+ – – +n series.

6. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of even numbers from 1 to n. Or

Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 2+4+6+ – – +n series.

7. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 12+22+32+42+- – -+ n2 series.

8. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 13+23+33+43+- – -+ n3 series.

9. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate the sum of the 11+22+33+44+ – – -+nn series.

10. Algorithm and flowchart to calculate factorial of a positive number.


Lesson Evaluation-

Knowledge Based Questions:

Comprehension Based Questions:

Creative Questions:

Multiple Choice Questions:


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