HSC ICT Chapter 2 important MCQ solutions including board questions from 2023, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016. I hope that understanding and solving these questions will provide you with good preparation.
What is data communication?
[Dha. B. 2016]
a) Exchange of information between two devices
b) Flow of information without a medium
c) Flow of information only over a wire
d) Communication only via a computer
What are the basic/fundamental elements of data communication?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Basic elements of data communication includes-...
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ICT HSC (English Version)
HSC ICT Chapter 3 MCQ Board Question Solution Digital Device
HSC ICT Chapter 3 Board Questions with Important MCQ Solutions. I hope that solving these questions will give you a good preparation.
If A = 0 and B = 1, then AB=?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
When logical multiplication of three variables A, B and C will be 1?
a) All three values are 1
b) All three values are 0
c) Any one value is 1
d) Any two values are 1
The logical sum of three variables A, B and C will be 1 if-
i. Any one of them is 1
ii. Any two of them are 1
iii. All three are 0
Which of the following is correct?
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HSC ICT Chapter 3 MCQ Board Question Solution Number System
HSC ICT Chapter 3 Board Questions with Important MCQ Solutions. I hope that solving these questions will give you a good preparation.
Number system can be mainly divided into how many types?
[Ctg. Board 2016]
a) 2
b) 3
c) 8
d) 10
How many types of number system depends on the base?
[Jas. Board 2017]
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 10
How many bits are there in the number 1011?
[Ma. Board 2019]
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 10
In (1110)₂ number '0' indicates-
a) BOS
b) BCD
c) LSB
d) MSB
What is the sma...
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MCQ on ICT: World and Bangladesh Perspective
1. What is the global village?
a) A world full of information technology
b) A countryside
c) A village
d) A technology less world
2. Which of the following is the main component of the global village?
a) Internet
b) Jet aircraft
c) Supercomputer
d) International highway
3. Marshall McLuhan was-
a) Agronomist
b) Philosopher
c) Chemist
d) Technician
4. Which invention has made global communication easier?
a) Computer
b) Telephone
c) Artificial satellite
d) Telegraph
5. It can be done with the help of the Internet –
i. Support in th...
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HSC ICT Chapter 3 : Comprehension Based Questions & Answers
How to write answers to a comprehension based question?
⇒ 'Comprehension' refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a topic. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.
⇒ Perceptual level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in 'b'. Such questions do not directly ask for textbook-like details. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.
⇒ Marks of comprehension based question will be 2. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.
⇒ Comprehension based q...
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HSC ICT Chapter 3 : Knowledge Based Questions & Answers
How to write answers to knowledgebase questions?
The knowledgebase question is given to test the memory. That is, you can answer this part by memorizing any information from the text book. Answers should be given in one sentence or a maximum of three sentences as per the demand of the question. Mark allotted to this question is 1.
Number System:
What is number?
What is digit? [Madrasa Board-2017]
What is the number system? [Jessore Board-2017, Madrasa Board-2016]
What is non-positional number system?
What is positional number system?
What is binary number system...
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Adder, Half Adder, Full Adder, Full Adder implementation using Half Adder
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain Adder circuit.
2. You will be able to describe Half Adder circuit.
3. You will be able to describe Full Adder circuit.
4. You will be able to implement Full adder circuit using Half adder circuit.
5. You will be able to explain binary adder circuit.
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An adder is a combinational circuit or digital circuit in electronics that implements or performs addition of numbers. It is mainly designed for the addition of binary number, but they can be used in various other applications like b...
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Encoder and Decoder | Difference Between Encoder and Decoder
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain encoder.
2. You will be able to describe the uses of encoder.
3. You will be able to explain decoder.
4. You will be able to describe the uses of decoder.
5. You will be able to differentiate encoder and decoder.
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What is Encoder?
An Encoder is a combinational circuit that produces a binary code equivalent to the input, which is active High. In other words, Encoder is a circuit which converts the analog signal into the digital signal. Encoders are digital circuit used for encodin...
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Logic Circuit for Logic function & Logic function from Logic circuit
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to implement any function.
2. You will be able to determine function from any circuit.
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Implementation of any function:
The function may need to be implemented with only basic gates.
The function may need to be implemented with only universal gates.
The function may need to be implemented using any type of gates.
After simplifying the function, It may need to be implemented by basic or universal gates.
The following rules or sequences are followed to implement the function...
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NAND & NOR gates as Universal Gates
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to prove the universality of NAND and NOR gates.
You will be able to implement AND, OR & NOT gate using only NAND gate.
You will be able to implement AND, OR & NOT gate using only NOR gate.
You will be able to implement XOR & XNOR gate using only NAND gate.
You will be able to implement XOR & XNOR gate using only NOR gate.
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NAND gate as Universal Gate:
Implementation of NOT gate using only NAND gate
Implementation of AND gate using only NAND gate:
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Universal Gates (NAND, NOR) & Special Gates (XOR, XNOR)
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain compound gate.
You will be able to describe the Universal gates.
You will be able to describe NAND & NOR gates in details.
You will be able to describe the Exclusive gates in details.
You will be able to describe X-OR & X-NOR gates in details.
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Compound/Composite Gates:
A gate that is created using two or more basic gates is called a composite or compound gate. For example-
AND Gate +NOT Gate = NAND Gate, OR Gate + NOT Gate = NOR Gate. Composite gates are two types. T...
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Logic Gates & Basic Logic Gates (AND, OR & NOT)
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain logic gate.
You will be able to describe the types of logic gate.
You will be able to describe the basic gates in details.
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Logic gates:
A logic gate is a basic building block of a digital circuit, which is used to implement a Boolean function. It is an electronic circuit which makes logical decisions based on the combination of digital signals present on its inputs. It is an electronic circuit having one or more than one inputs and only one output.
Types of Logic gates:
Basic G...
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Simplification of Boolean Expressions
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to describe the rules of simplifying the Boolean expressions.
You will be able to simplify the Boolean expressions.
You will be able to explain the importance of simplifying the Boolean expressions.
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The Boolean functions are implemented through the Logic Gates. In this case the number of logic operators in the function is less then the number of logic gates in the implementation is less. This makes implementation easier and saves money. Therefore, the Boolean functions are simpli...
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De Morgan’s Theorem and Truth table
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain De Morgan's Theorem.
You will be able to create truth table.
You will be able to create Boolean function from a truth table.
You will be able to prove De Morgan's theorem using truth table.
You will be able to prove any Boolean equation using truth table.
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De Morgan’s Theorem
Mathematician De Morgan discovered two theorems for Boolean function simplification.
First Theorem: It states that the complement of logical OR of at least two Boolean variables is equal to the logical AN...
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Boolean Algebra, Boolean Postulates and Boolean Theorems
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain the characteristics of Boolean Algebra.
You will be able to explain Boolean variable, constant and complement.
You will be able to explain Boolean postulate and Duality Principle.
You will be able to explain different Boolean Theorems.
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Boolean Algebra:
Boolean Algebra is an algebra, which deals with binary numbers & binary variables. Boolean Algebra is used to analyze and simplify the digital (logic) circuits. It is also called as Binary Algebra or logical Algebra or Switching...
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Code | BCD | EBCDIC | ASCII | Unicode
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain the concept of code.
You will be able to explain BCD code.
You will be able to explain alphanumeric code (EBCDIC, ASCII, Unicode).
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In the computer system, digits, numbers, letters or special symbols are represented by a specific group of binary bits. This group is also called as binary code. The binary code is represented by the number as well as alphanumeric letter.
Advantages of Binary Code
Following is the list of advantages that binary code offers.
Binary codes ar...
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Signed Number | 1’s Compliment Form | 2’s Complement Form
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain the concept of signed number.
You will be able to explain the different methods of representing signed number in computer system.
You will be able to do addition and subtraction of signed number using 2's complement form.
You will be able to explain basic concept of register.
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In general, we represent the positive (unsigned) numbers without any sign indication and negative numbers with ‘minus’ (negative sign) sign before them. But these are not applicable for computing in the digi...
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Binary Addition | Octal Addition | Hexadecimal Addition
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to do addition in different number systems.
2. You will be able to do Subtraction in different number systems.
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Addition of different number system:
Addition of decimal numbers:
1. If summation of decimal digits is equal or more than the base of decimal number system, subtract 10(base) from summation( continue subtraction until summation comes to less than 10 )
2. Carry is how many times subtraction is occurred
Example: Addition of (5689)10 and (7989)10
Addition of octal numbers:
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Binary to Octal | Binary to Hexadecimal | Octal to Binary | Hexadecimal to Binary
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to convert Octal & Hexadecimal to Binary Number system.
2. You will be able to convert Binary to Octal & Hexadecimal Number system.
3. You will be able to convert Octal to Hexadecimal Number system.
4. You will be able to convert Hexadecimal to Octal Number system.
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Conversion among Non-Decimal that means Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal Number Systems:
Step-01: Convert the number from any base to base 10.
Step-02: Convert the number from base 10 to any base.
That is, in case of non-decimal n...
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Binary to Decimal | Octal to Decimal | Hexadecimal to Decimal
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to convert a binary number into decimal number.
2. You will be able to convert a octal number into decimal number.
3. You will be able to convert a hexadecimal number into decimal number.
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Other Base to Decimal Number System
Same Rules for Both Integer and Fractional Number-
Step-1: Multiply each digit of the given number by their positional value.
Positional value of a digit = (base of given number)position of the digit
[ In integer number, position of the digit starts from 0 (right to left) and in ...
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Decimal to Binary | Decimal to Octal | Decimal to Hexadecimal
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to convert a decimal number into binary number.
2. You will be able to convert a decimal number into octal number.
3. You will be able to convert a decimal number into hexadecimal number.
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Number System Conversions:
There are twelve sorts of conversions among four number systems. They are-
The same rules can be divided into the following ways-
Decimal Number System to Other Base
Decimal Number System to Binary Number System
Decimal Number System to Octal Number System
Decimal Number Sys...
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Number System | Binary, Octal, Decimal & Hexadecimal Number
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to describe the history of number.
2. You will be able to differentiate number and digit.
3. You will be able to describe the types of number system.
4. You will be able to differentiate different types of number systems.
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What is Number ?
A number is a string of one or more digits which is used to count, quantify and measure something. For example, there are 20 students in a class ; Here 20 is a number.
What is Digit ?
A digit is a single numerical symbol of a number or the smalle...
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Second Chapter: Knowledge Based Questions & Answers.
What is data communication?
What is bandwidth?
What is Data transmission method?
What is parallel data transmission?
What is is serial data transmission?
What is bit synchronization?
What is asynchronous data transmission method?
What is synchronous data transmission method?
What is data transmission mode?
What is simplex mode?
What is half-duplex mode?
What is full-duplex mode?
What is data communication medium?
What is co-axial cable?
What is twisted pair cable?
What is radio wave?
What is micro wave?
What is infrared?
What is hotspot...
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HSC ICT Chapter 2 : Comprehension Based Questions & Answers
How to write answers to a comprehension based question?
⇒ 'Comprehension' refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a topic. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.
⇒ Perceptual level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in 'b'. Such questions do not directly ask for textbook-like details. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.
⇒ Marks of comprehension based question will be 2. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.
⇒ Comprehension based q...
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Cloud Computing : Services & Advantages of Cloud Computing
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of cloud computing.
2. You will be able to describe the Deployment Models of cloud computing.
3. You will be able to describe the Service Models of cloud computing.
4. You will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.
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What is Cloud computing?
Cloud computing is some internet based services given by some organization to a user such as: manipulating, configuring, and accessing the hardware and software resources remotely. It offers online data sto...
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Network Topology : Bus | Ring | Star | Tree | Mesh | Hybrid
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of network topology.
2. You will be able to explain different topologies.
3. You will be able to explain uses, advantages and disadvantages of different network topologies.
4. You will be able to analyze which topology is suitable for which situation.
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What is Network Topology?
Geometric representation of how the computers of a network are connected to each other is known as network topology.
Topologies may define both physical and logical aspect of the network. Both logical a...
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Network Devices : NIC | Hub | Switch | Router | Bridge | Gateway | Repeater
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to describe different network devices.
2. You will be able to describe the uses of different network devices.
3. You will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of different network devices.
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Network devices:
Hardware devices that are used to connect computers, printers, fax machines and other electronic devices to a network are called network devices. These devices transfer data in a fast, secure and correct way over same or different networks. Network devices may be inter-network or intra...
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Computer Network : PAN, LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of Computer Network.
2. You will be able to explain the objectives of Computer Network.
3. You will be able to describe different types of Computer Network.
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What is Computer Network?
A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to each other to share information and resources.
Objective of Computer Network:
Hardware Resource Share
Software Resource Share
Information Resource Share
File Share
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Mobile Communication | Generation of Mobile Phone
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain the concept of cellular phone.
You will be able to explain different technologies of mobile phone.
You will be able to explain different generations of mobile phone.
A mobile phone is an an electric device used for full duplex two way radio telecommunication over a cellular network of base stations known as cell site.
Mobile Communication is the use of technology that allows us to communicate with others in different locations without the use of any physical connection (wires or cables). Mobile communication ma...
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Wireless Communication System : Bluetooth | WiFi | WiMAX
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to describe wireless communication system.
2. You will be able to explain the importance of wireless communication system.
3. You will be able to explain Bluetooth technology.
4. You will be able to explain Wi-Fi technology.
5. You will be able to explain WiMAX technology.
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What is Wireless Communication System?
Wireless Communication System where transmitting information from one point to other, without using any any physical medium.
Some of the important Wireless Communication Systems available...
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Wireless Medium : Radio Wave | Microwave | Infrared
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of wireless data communication medium.
2. You will be able to describe the types of wireless medium.
3. You will be able to describe radio wave, microwave, Infrared.
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What is Wireless Medium?
Radio wave
The medium used to exchange information in a wireless communication system is called Wireless or Unguided Medium. In wireless communication systems, information is transmitted over long distances with the help of electromagnetic waves with...
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Wired Medium : Twisted Pair Cable | Coaxial Cable | Optical Fiber Cable
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of data communication medium.
2. You will be able to describe the types of wired medium.
3. You will be able to describe the twisted pair cable.
4. You will be able to describe the Co-axial cable.
5. You will be able to describe the fiber optic cable.
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What is Medium?
Physical path through which data is transferred by establishing a link between sender and receiver is called medium. There are two types of medium:
What is Channel?
Specific wave frequency or wire ...
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Data Transmission mode | Data Delivery mode
At the end of this lesson-
You will be able to explain the concept of data transmission mode.
You will be able to explain the concept of data delivery mode.
You will be able to classify the data transmission mode.
You will be able to classify the data delivery mode.
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What is Data Transmission mode?
The direction of transmitting data from source to one or more destination is called data transmission mode. or The way in which data is transmitted from one device to another device is known as transmission mode. The transmission mode is also ...
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Data Transmission Method : Asynchronous | Synchronous | Isochronous
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of data transmission method.
2. You will be able to classify the data transmission method.
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What is Data Transmission method?
In data communication system the method used to establish link to different devices and bit synchronization with time for data transmission within is called data transmission method.
Types of data transmission method:
Based on number of wire connections data transmission methods are of two types. Such as:
Parallel data Transmission
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Data Communication | Basic Elements of a Communication System | Bandwidth
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the concept of data communication.
2. You will be able to describe the elements of data communication system.
3. You will be able to explain the data communication speed.
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What is Data communication?
Data communications refers to the transmission of the digital data between two or more nodes in a network. OR Data communication refers to the reliable exchange of data or information from one place to another or from one device to another in a network. Emails, SMS, Phone calls, Chatting etc. are ...
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First Chapter Lesson-10: Ethical Use of ICT & Impact of ICT on Social Life.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain ethical uses of ICT.
2. You will be able to explain impact of ICT on social life.
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Ethical Use of ICT:
Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of a group or individual. Therefore, computer ethics is set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers. Some common issues of computer ethics include intellectual property rights (such as copyrighted electronic content), privacy concerns, and how computers affect society.
For example, while it is easy to duplicate copyrighted ...
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First Chapter Lesson-9: Nanotechnology and Its Application areas.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain Nanotechnology.
2. You will be able to explain the uses of Nanotechnology.
3. You will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of Nanotechnology.
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The concepts that seeded nanotechnology were first discussed in 1959 by renowned physicist Richard Feynman in his talk There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, in which he described the possibility of synthesis via direct manipulation of atoms.
According to Online Dictionary,-
"Nanotechnology is a branch of technology where ...
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First Chapter Lesson-8: Bioinformatics and Genetic Engineering
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain Bioinformatics.
2. You will be able to explain the application area or uses of Bioinformatics.
3. You will be able to explain Genetic Engineering.
4. You will be able to explain the application area or uses of Genetic Engineering.
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Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data, in particular when the data sets are large and complex.
As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines compute...
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What is Biometric? Types of Biometric | Uses of Biometric
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain Biometrics.
2. You will be able to describe the elements for implementing biometrics system.
3. You will be able to explain biometrics mechanism.
4. You will be able to explain the structural and behavioral characteristics of human which are used in biometrics system.
5. You will be able to describe application areas of biometrics technology.
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What is Biometric?
Bio means 'Life' and Metric means 'measure'. Biometrics technology measures and analyses biological data. Biometrics is ...
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First Chapter Lesson-6: Cryosurgery, Space Exploration & Defense.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain Cryosurgery.
2. You will be able to describe the advantages of cryosurgery.
3. You will be able to describe the application of ICT in space exploration.
4. You will be able to describe the application of ICT in defense.
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The Greek word cryo means "ice cold“ and Surgery means “hand work”.
Cryosurgery is a type of surgery that involves the use of extreme cold to freeze and destroy diseased tissue, including cancer cells.
Cryosurgery, also called Cryotherapy, cryoablation, percuta...
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