First Chapter Lesson-2: Global village, Advantages & Disadvantages of global village.

At the end of this lesson-

  • 1. You will be able to explain the concept of global village.
  • 2. You will be able to explain the elements for establishing global village.
  • 3. You will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of global village.
  • 4. You will be able to describe the principal elements related to concept of global village. 

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Global village:

Global village is such an environment where the world considered as a single community in which  telecommunications link the inhabitants together.

In other words, Global village is an idea where all the people of the world will live as a single society and provide communication and services to each other through the use of information and communication technology. That is, the world based on information and communication technology is called Global village.

The idea of ​​the Global village was first mentioned by Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan in his book “The Gutenberg Galaxy”. For this reason, Marshall McLuhan is called the father of the Global village.

Elements for establishing Global Village:

Hardware: In global village for any kind of communication or information exchange compatible hardware or equipment is needed. For example, computer and peripheral equipment, mobile, radio, television etc.

Software or Program: A program is called a set of instructions written in a programming language to solve a problem. The software is called a set of programs. For establishing global village It requires hardware as well as various programs or software. Different types of software such as operating system, browsing software, communication software etc.

Network or Connectivity: The backbone of global village is the network or connectivity through which data and information can be reached to every person in this universe.

Data or Information: Data or information is valuable materials at each level of the global village to exchange. The raw material used in the processing to obtain a specific result or output is called data. On the other hand, the meaningful form of data after processing is information. This data or information is shared with each other in the needs of the people in the world.

Awareness & Competence: Global village largely depends on technology . Hence need proper implementation of the public interest , knowledge, awareness, capability and efficiency.


Advantages & Disadvantages of global village:


  • World wide secured communication within few seconds.
  • A lot of sources of information globally.
  • Easy to have information.
  • Increasing capability of adapting technology & Uses.
  • Developed living style.
  • Increased human efficiency of work.
  • Expand trade and commerce.
  • Easy transaction system.
  • Available educational resources.
  • Having medical facilities sitting at home.
  • Giving opinion and make people aware by writing on different platform.


  • Privacy of information breaking down due to internet   technology.
  • Misuse of information.
  • Sometimes fake news makes social collision.
  • Developed countries can stifle development of undeveloped and under-developed countries.
  • Economic depression in one country can trigger adverse reactions across the globe.
  • Global competition puts pressure on small businesses who do not have resources to compete on a global scale.

Principal Components  regarding concept of global village:

  • Communication
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Medical
  • Research
  • Office
  • Residence
  • Business
  • Entertainment and Social Communication
  • News
  • Cultural Activities


Lesson Evaluation-

Knowledge Based Questions:

  • a. What is global village?

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Comprehension Based Questions:

  • b. “ICT dependent globe is called global village”-explain.
  • b. “It is not possible to establish global village without ICT”-explain.
  • b. Why internet is called the backbone of global village?
  • b. “Global village is internet dependent system” -explain.

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Creative Questions:

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is global village?

a) A world full of information technology       b) A countryside     c) A village      d) A technology less world

2. Which of the following is the main component of the global village?

a) Internet       b) Jet aircraft       c) Supercomputer       d) International highway

3. Marshall McLuhan was-

a) Agronomist        b) Philosopher      c) Chemist        d) Technician


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