Fourth Chapter: Knowledge Based Questions & Answers.
What is web page?
What is website?
What is home page?
What is static website?
What is dynamic website?
What is URL?
What is DNS server?
What is IP address?
What is browser?
What is search engine?
What is internet?
What is WWW?
What is web server?
What is domain name?
What is web hosting?
What is HTML syntax?
What is HTML?
What is HTTP?
What are the advantages of HTML?
What is HTML element?
What is HTML attribute?
What is the function of HTML tag?
What is HTML tag?
What is container tag?
What is empty tag?
What is ti...
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HSC ICT Chapter 4 : Comprehension Based Questions & Answers
How to write answers to a comprehension based question?
⇒ 'Comprehension' refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a topic. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.
⇒ Perceptual level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in 'b'. Such questions do not directly ask for textbook-like details. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.
⇒ Marks of comprehension based question will be 2. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.
⇒ Comprehension based q...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-1: Introduction to Web design and some terminologies about it.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain web design.
2. You will be able to explain some terminologies about web design.
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Web Design:
Web design is the process of creating the layout of a web page or an entire website. This process focuses on aesthetic factors like layout, user interface and other visual imagery in order to make the website more visually appealing and easy to use. Web design makes use of various programs and tools in order to achieve the intended look, such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop and many others.
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Static Website and Dynamic Website
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain static website and it's characteristics.
2. You will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of static website.
3. You will be able to explain dynamic website and it's characteristics.
4. You will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of dynamic website.
5. You will be able to differentiate static website and dynamic website.
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Websites can be of two types:
Static Website
Dynamic Website
Static website:
A static website contains information th...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-3: IP Address & Different parts of URL.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain IP address.
2. You will be able to differentiate IPV4 and IPV6.
3. You will be able to describe different parts of URL or web address.
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IP address:
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a logical numeric address that is assigned to every single computer, printer, switch, router or any other device of a TCP/IP-based network.
An IP address is a logical address that is used to uniquely identify every node in the network. Because IP addresses are logical, they can change.
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-4: Website Structures (Linear, Tree, Web linked, Hybrid).
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain different types of pages of a website.
2. You will be able to explain structure of websites.
3. You will be able to explain different types of website structures.
4. You will be able to analyze different types of website structures.
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Website’s structure:
A website’s structure refers to how the website is set up, i.e. how the individual sub-pages are linked to one another. It is particularly important that crawlers can find all sub-pages quickly and easily when websites have a larg...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-5: Basic Concept of HTML.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to describe HTML.
2. You will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of using HTML.
3. You will be able to explain HTML tag and it's type.
4. You will be able to explain HTML element and HTML attribute.
5. You will be able to explain the structure of a web page.
6. You will be able to describe necessary tools for creating web page.
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Introduction to HTML:
HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for creating web pages and web applications. HTML describe...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-6: Heading tags, Paragraph tags, Formatting tags etc.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain the uses of different heading tags.
2. You will be able to explain the use of paragraph tag.
3. You will be able to explain the uses of different formatting tags.
4. You will be able to define different properties of the fonts.
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Heading Tags:
Any content or article starts having a nice heading, provides the headline or the topic name of any document. Similarly, in HTML code also, different sizes of heading can be given on your web page. HTML allows six sizes for heading that uses eleme...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-7: Ordered List, Unordered List, Description List
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to create ordered list.
2. You will be able to create unordered list.
3. You will be able to create description list.
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HTML List:
Sometimes information of web page needs to be published in a list or list form. That is, list items need to be numbered or expressed in bullet point form. There are three types of lists in HTML. They are-
Ordered List
Unordered List
Description List
Ordered List:
An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the ...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-8: Adding Image and Creating Hyperlink on the web page.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to add image on the web page.
2. You will be able to create hyperlink on the web page.
3. You will be able to create hyperlink with image on the web page.
4. You will be able to add audio and video on the web page.
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Adding Image on the web page:
Images can improve the design and the appearance of a web page. For adding pictures into the web page, we can use the <img> tag. The <img> tag is an empty tag which mean it has no ending tag (i.e. no </img>) associated with it. The...
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-9: HTML code for creating table.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to create table on the web page.
2. You will be able to marge the rows of the table.
3. You will be able to marge the columns of the table.
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Table Creation in HTML:
The purpose of creating a web page or website is to present any information globally. It is often necessary to present data and information in tabuler form. Lets see the table elements-
The <table> </table> tag defines an HTML table. An HTML table consists of the <table> element and one or more &...
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HTML Table related Questions and Answers – HSC ICT Chapter 4

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According to the stem answer the following questions:
c) Write HTML code for showing the table on the web page.
<table border="1">
<th>Commerce </th>
<th>Humanities </th>
<ol type="A">
<ul type="disc">
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Fourth Chapter Lesson-10: Web page design & development and website publishing.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain web page design and development.
2. You will be able to explain the importance of website publishing.
3. You will be able to explain the steps of website publishing.
4. You will be able to explain different types of hosting.
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Web page design and development:
Web page design is the process of creating websites which is front end design. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design using the different technology and...
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